Phone: (+971)04 2252992, 056 9986099


Explore WEGA

Vega is a high performance visa facilitating company where in the travelers are offered first class assistance in preparing all the relevant documentation while applying for international visas from UAE. We ensure out travelers enjoy hassle-free visa processing and timely updates.

We are the fastest and easiest way to obtain a travel visa, and other documents for travel anywhere in the world including popular destinations such as UK, US, Russia, China, Australia, Saudi Arabia and Schengen countries

Our customers include individual travelers, Corporates, Cruise lines, Tour operators, and travel management companies.

Why Choose Us

Efficient and friendly service

Customer service is often at the heart of a business which aims to provide an exceptional service that leaves the customer feeling valued and respected.

Passionate, honest visa experts

Assess your visa requirement; Assist you with documentation; Offer quality assistance and personalized services.

Time and value for your money

Make sure your product or service is easier to use, more effective, or more advanced. Giving customers value for their money.

Unparalled support

If you need help with your visa application or want to learn more about obtaining a visa to travel. We provide many support you can use to guide yourself through the entire visa process.

Best Rated Visa Experts